This type of decision control structure includes a statement or block of statements on both paths.

If the Boolean expression evaluates to true, the statement or block of statements 1 is executed; otherwise, the statement or block of statements 2 is executed.

The general form of the statement is

PHP, Java, C++, C#

if (Boolean_Expression) {
  /* A statement or block of statements 1 */ ;
else {
  /* A statement or block of statements 2 */ ;

Notice: In PHP, Java, C++, and C#, the Boolean expression must be enclosed in parentheses.

Single statements can be written without being enclosed inside braces { }, and the if-else statement becomes

if (Boolean_Expression)
  /* One Single Statement 1 */ ;
  /* One Single Statement 2 */ ;

Visual Basic

If Boolean_Expression Then
  'A statement or block of statements 1
  'A statement or block of statements 2
End If


if Boolean_Expression:
    #A statement or block of statements 1
    #A statement or block of statements 2